PlayStation 3 Buying Guide by BlogERCH


PlayStation 3 Buying Guide

I entered website shopwiki where there explained how the escort to choose or bought playstation. In fact I myself too much did not like to play playstation but from playstation 3 guide this I got some knowledge how chose playstation that was good especially to playstation 3.

Inside playstation 3 guide this was explained by several content about playstation 3 like " the controller, cool feature, specification provided by sony That covered: cpu , gpu, sound, memory,system bandwidth, storage, communication, controller, av output" So for you that have the hobby for playing playstation and meant bought playstation 3, I suggest to read this PlayStation 3 Buying Guide.

Wuah.. wuah...
Ini Niy.. aq cari-cari ternyata dsini..:-D
Ternyata ga sia2 aq sering ngobrol ma Mas Erchamt ini..
Sampe2 aq dsuruh translate niy postingan.. ;))
peace Mas.. :)>-


hehe... namanya usaha juga kok danz :P...

ada teman yang bisa bahasa nederlan [versi campursari:D] yah di USAHAkan

tapi akhir² ini sepi neh danz.. turun PRku ga tau napa b-(

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